Thursday, December 20, 2007

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found. Was blind, but now I see... That song is probably the most well known Hymn in our world today, but how many really understand its meaning. To Christians, this song is so meaningful. We were lost in sin, no hope, no future, and were on our way to Hell. But Jesus showed us the light, salvation to any who repent of their sin. John Newton, the writer of this amazing song, was a Captain of a slave ship for 20 years. If you ever read about him, God did a mighty work in his life, and he is in Heaven now praising God. When you sing this song, think on the words. I just read it in my devotions, and how powerful this song is. Praise God for His Amazing Grace!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

All Praise to HIm!

I have so much to be thankful for this week. I have all my memory back!! It is only because of our wonderful savior. When God made us, he didn't just do whatever, no, He spent time creating everything for a purpose. Another thing to be thankful for are the wonderful friends God blessed me with. All of you a special to me. Last week at this time I had no idea who you all were. All the wonderful times we had together. I can't write down all the fun times I've spent with you all. Thank you for your friendship over the years. Keep striving for excellence. We had an experience at camp this past summer, but don't forget what we've learned, keep it in your hearts, and serve the Lord with all your heart. This post is to my Church family, and dear friends. You don't know how much you all mean to me. : ) Now I'm starting to cry, hehe. I praise our wonderful savior for all He has done. Keep Striving for Excellence.
Because of Christ, That means so much to me now.